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Your business is about safety and service, and stands by the same principles. Through installation of electrical systems and fixing malfunctioning power lines, you assist your customers by making sure that in tough times, they can still operate with the energy they rely on. Similarly, we make certain you can do what you do best, knowing your business is fully covered against the unexpected by means of comprehensive electrician insurance.


Get To Your Customers

You employ capable drivers to travel between worksites, but other motorists may not drive as carefully. Traffic accidents happen at an alarming rate on New Jersey roads (more than 311,000 collisions on average annually since 2000), and the best way to protect your fleet against losses involves carrying a specific and customized commercial auto insurance policy. Personal insurance for electricians just won’t cut it as long as you’re using your vehicles for business purposes. The commercial quotes we provide outline the scope of your coverage so there will be no surprises.

We Had An Idea To Make Insurance Better For Business Owners has been treating clients like family for over 15 years. You’ll never have to talk to an automated phone system—we have business insurance experts ready to provide personalized customer service, not only helping you with your insurance and employee benefits needs, but showing you how to be a smarter business owner.

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Serve Their Needs

The professional expertise and guidance your workers provide customers must be reliable. If a customer decides your workers have breached that promise of expertise or negligently performed your duties, professional liability insurance (or errors and omissions insurance) safeguards employees and official subcontractors from legal action.

Cover Your Business

Running rough electrical lines in unfinished buildings can pose danger to your employees. Workers’ compensation insurance provides relatively quick benefits to employees with limited disruption to your business’s finances and normal operations.

Beyond that, general liability insurance coverage protects your NJ electric business in total. From assets to bodily injury, from intellectual property to property damage, general liability coverage is your first and strongest defense from potentially costly claims against your business. Contact for a quote on insurance for electricians.