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Term life insurance is simple and affordable, over a set range of time with a guaranteed death benefit.  Term life insurance policies provide a stated benefit upon the death of the insured, provided that the death occurs within a specific period.

Reasons to buy term life insurance:

  • Affordable
  • Multiple options of term length
  • Simple to understand
  • Easy to shop and buy
  • Convertibility

Term life insurance is one of the most common life insurance policies that families have.  With an affordable price and guaranteed death benefit, it meets the requirements of many people across America.   We help our customers shop all the available options and make it easy for them to put it in place.  These decisions are not easy to understand and should be made with a clear picture of what you want.  A meeting with one of our agents will help you determine your needs and the best policy for you.


The price for a term life insurance policy is based off a person’s age, health, and life expectancy (set by the insurer).  Premiums are paid monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually.  Terms can be any length but typically come in 5, 10, 20, or 30-year terms.  Once the term runs out, there is no more benefit.  Term life insurance has a death benefit and no other mechanisms. Because of this, term life is the most affordable of all the different life insurance policies. You can extend the terms or convert it to another type of life insurance policy once the term is over.

Term policies may require a medical exam depending on the amount of the policy.  The price of the policy takes into account your driving record, current medications, smoking status, occupation, hobbies and family history.

Term life is a simple way to support your family when the unforeseen happens.  The death benefit can be used to help pay off debts, replace income, pay the mortgage and your children’s education.

We help our customers find the right coverage at the price they want.  Contact us today and start protecting your dream