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Matching a job to a person can be a very stressful and difficult task. There are candidates that meet the needed requirements—and there are candidates that do not.

Finding the right person for a position means telling someone that they are hired, and it means telling a lot of other people that they did not get the job. Unfortunately, this can lead to some pretty sticky legal situations for companies who don’t employ best practices when dealing with prospective employees. It can also be a financially ruinous scenario for a company that does not have employment practices liability insurance (EPLI).

In this video, Alan discusses what you can and cannot say when interviewing potential employees, and how to avoid legal action down the line.

Since 2001, has been working with New Jersey small businesses to protect their assets and provide great employee benefits. For a free insurance quote for your business, click the banner below to contact our team of experts.

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Dan Levenson