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Getting a decent job in the tech industry can be a hassle. You may have already experienced this, having sent countless application letters, made necessary adjustments to your resume, and attended numerous networking events, but still unsuccessful. You should consider working with a tech recruiting agency if this has happened to you. Here is all the essential information you need to know about recruiting agencies and how to find the right agency for your tech skills.

Why a Recruiting Agency?

It may seem like taking a big step, especially if you are a beginner, but a recruiting agency might be the hidden ingredient missing from the menu. A tech recruiter will help you bag jobs and ease your way into the industry. If you are already working, but the position doesn’t utilize your tech skills or find it boring, a tech recruiter can also come in handy. An agency uses its connections to help you get noticed, even when you have little or no valuable contacts to help you get unstuck.

Pros and Cons of a Tech Recruiting Agency

Among the advantages of working with an agency is minimizing. You have more time to prepare for an interview other than look for one. Most agencies also have existing connections with various tech companies. If you are their client, they can get you in front of hiring managers much easier. They also have a greater understanding of the tech industry and can help you get to the proper position and company that suits your tech skills. Lastly, agencies know how to make their clients stand out during interviews. Through their interactions with the hiring managers, they know what the managers are looking for and will help you prepare to match the job description.

Working with a recruiting agency also has some downfalls. For instance, the agency may have limited connections. In some cases, the agency may also lack the type of connection that can land you your dream job. You may have expertise in cybersecurity, but the agency has better links in information technology or other tech disciplines. The other issue with an agency is that they tend to serve multiple clients. This makes it hard for them to invest much time in finding you a job as you wish.

How to Find Suitable Tech Recruiting Agency

You can decide to either wait for an agency to come to you or approach them first yourself. Here are some tips when going about it.

Find Out the Agency’s Background

Before settling on an agency, please find out how long they have worked in recruiting and the average success rate of the associated clients. You can gauge the likelihood of getting a positive outcome with this information. You can also look into the companies associated with the agency. Usually, companies hire recruiting agencies to find top talent for them.

Be Your Own Advocate

Champion yourself when talking to a recruiting agency. Get clarifications, and don’t hesitate to ask questions about things you don’t understand. Understand the recruiter’s perspective and point of view. The recruiter will take you seriously and invest in finding the right tech job for you.

Tell the Truth

It is important, to be honest, and refrain from withholding information you think might jeopardize your chances of getting a job. Maybe you are unwilling to work in emergencies or past 6 pm because you want to balance work and family time. Inform the recruiter so that they can find you a job that matches your expectations.

What Next?

After you find the right agency, the hard work of finding the right job is up to the agency. They will bring relevant jobs to you so that you don’t have to trawl through job sites. At Insure Your, we can assist you with tips to connect with the right recruiters. Contact us today and learn more.


This article is for general information purposes only. It is not insurance, tax, legal, business, or other advice. For specific insurance questions related to you or your business, please contact our office.  

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Dan Levenson