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Setting up your business for the long run takes a great deal of planning to make possible. From planning for profit and growth to potential damage or disaster, it’s nearly impossible to be prepared for every “what-if” scenario.

The best way to alleviate these growing pains is to determine what is most important to your business’ sustainability and make sure those areas are protected. For example, ensuring you have enough working capital to run your business is likely a major concern for most business owners. Additionally, preventing a major disaster, whether physical or operational within your business is another way to ensure nothing can stop your business from surviving long-term.

We’ve compiled a list of some of the best future-proofing small business tools for you to consider as you make plans for your business.

Set Specific Goals

The more specific you can make your business goals, the more likely you are to achieve them. It’s important to know exactly what you want for your business at present as well as in the future in order to see actual growth and ensure that growth will continue to happen.

When looking to ensure the future of your business, write up a formal business plan that you can refer to regularly to stay on track with your goals and objectives. This plan will become your guiding force for all things from funding, to marketing, to hiring employees and more. A business plan gives you the opportunity to be as detailed as possible with your intentions for every area of your business, making success much more attainable. Take your time with this step as it will become the foundation of your business’ legacy.

Once you have mapped out your path to success, be sure to tie up any loose ends that could potentially stop your business from becoming what you want it to be.


One of the most important ways you can prevent any roadblocks in your business operations is by making sure your business is insured. Business insurance can help protect expensive assets such as office or retail space, automobiles used for business operations, and even your most valuable assets, your employees. The resources you need for your business are invaluable to you as a business owner. It often takes a great deal of saving and planning to be able to afford these upgrades in the first place. After all the hard work you’ve done to obtain these things, you cannot neglect to put protections in place. Insurance is just as, if not more, important than the business’ belongings.

Business insurance will also protect your bank account from taking a hit anytime something unexpectedly goes wrong. This way, you are able to stay in business without having to sacrifice any of the valuable items or people that help your business thrive.

Secure Additional Funds

Another way in which businesses tend to fail is by not having enough funding to keep operations running. Naturally, events will come up that require unexpected spending, which in turn, can upset your budgeting goals and may make it difficult or nearly impossible to continue operating.

While managing money is a struggle for every business owner, having access to additional funds can help alleviate a lot of your stress. Instead of acquiring a hefty business loan and locking yourself into years of debt, a business line of credit is a more manageable way to afford what you need for your business.

Much like a credit card, a line of credit can help you financially as and when you need it, and you can control just how much debt you accumulate. You can easily pay off your balance in a shorter amount of time and won’t be overcome with debts to be repaid for decades to come. Now a small blip in your financial timeline won’t stop you from sustaining a profitable business long-term.

 Protect Your Data

No matter what type of business you run, the data you use and collect in order to conduct business is invaluable. You will want to protect this data from any sort of mishap that could compromise this information, because, if it is compromised, stolen, or completely lost, you may not be able to stay in business

From important documents containing sensitive information to WiFi networks and log-in information, all of these pieces of information must be secured. For a complete list of all data information that will need security and how to protect it, follow the FCC’s recommendations for small business cyber security. When you have strong security measures in place to protect your data, you will stand a greater chance of enjoying long-term business success.

As you begin your journey as a small business owner, guard your business for whatever could happen. That way you can handle any of those “what if” scenarios that come your way. A well-planned and protected business is one that will see success for many years to come.

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Dan Levenson