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Three property and casualty insurance producers from Technology Insurance Associates attended a two week long conference in King of Prussia, PA at the beginning of last month. Producers Daniel Levenson, Jeff Henderson, and Ben Levenson all went to the United States Liability Insurance Group (USLI) conference to learn more about helping businesses control their risks using liability insurance.

USLI specializes in providing liability insurance to low risk industries such as Information technology companies. This was a perfect match for Technology Insurance Associates since so much of their clientele are involved in the IT consulting field.

During the class the producers from technology Insurance Associates interacted and learned from over twenty classmates who work in various areas of the insurance field.

At the end of the class, the producers had a chance to test their presentation skills in a mock presentation dedicated to providing insurance for community churches. Producer Daniel Levenson won the presentation with two of his classmates to earn two hundred Dollars each. When asked what he learned the most from the presentation, Daniel said that he, “learned how to keep control of the presentation and get desirable answers from his prospects.”

Overall the producers viewed the conference as helpful and look forward to more learning opportunities in the future.