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Insurance tips for technology companies

In the insurance world knowing what to ask can save you time and effort looking for a policy to protect your business.  A recent article on technology insurance discussed five good questions that IT companies should be asking their insurance carrier or agent.  The information technology world is growing every day and with it, risk. Problems can arise in ways that you can’t even imagine.   The code you write could cause your client a financial loss.  Do you know how to protect yourself from this scenario?  You may think you have the right insurance but without asking the questions, you can be left with gaps in your coverage.

Your company’s international exposure is also something to consider.  In the online world, your software can be downloaded and used anywhere in the world.  Working with an insurance carrier that understands this is crucial.  Make sure they have experience in international commerce and are able to guide you towards the products that will protect you overseas.

Another good point the article brings to our attention is that even though your software is impregnable you can be included in a claim against both you and the hardware manufacturer.   Make sure your insurance is ready for this situation by asking you agent or carrier for a product that will protect you from this type of lawsuit.

Communication is the key to success. Contacting your insurance agent or carrier should be simple with multiple outlets so that you are never left in the dark. When dealing with an insurance company or an independent agent, be sure they have an easy communication process in place.  I always check to make sure I have contact name, phone number, second phone number, email, second email, and a place to go for online support.

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Dan Levenson