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Keep Your Physical Assets Safe

Protect Your Small Business physical assets, from building to equipment through the Commercial Property Coverage. 

Commercial Property Insurance for small business covers your business’s physical assets, whether you own your own building, lease office space, or work from home. Business property insurance covers your computers, phones, furniture, inventory, other’s property and more.

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What is Commercial Property Insurance?

Commercial property insurance is utilized for the purpose of protecting all types of commercial properties. It assists in safeguarding your building, whether owned or rented, as well as the tools and equipment essential for running your business. It protects against various types of losses originating from different sources, including:

  • Fire
  • Theft
  • Burglary
  • Lightning
  • Wind
  • Other Natural disasters

For individuals running businesses from home, this specific type of business insurance provides greater protection compared to regular homeowners insurance. You might be familiar with other names for this kind of insurance, such as:

  • Commercial building insurance
  • Non-residential building insurance
  • Commercial real estate insurance
  • Business personal property insurance

What Does Commercial Property Insurance Cover and Why is it Important?

What does commercial property coverage covers exactly? It will covers your business physical assets, such as

  • Building
  • Tools
  • Equipment
  • Furniture
  • Inventory
  • Personal Property

Why is it Important

Having commercial property insurance is essential because, without it, your business would be responsible for covering the costs to repair or replace any damaged property caused by a covered loss. This policy also covers business interruption insurance, which will provide financial assistance for lost income if you are unable to run your business due to covered property damage.

Who Requires Commercial Property Insurance?

Any business located in a building is encounter property related risks to their property. If you have a building or property for your business, whether you own or rent it, you will require protection from unforeseen events such as Fire, Theft, Burglary, Lightning and Wind. While numerous businesses can gain advantages from possessing commercial property insurance, it is typical for these sectors to be covered by this policy:

Location: If your business is located in a closely populated area with increased chances of crime or risk, you might be charged a higher fee.

Construction: The materials utilized in constructing your business can influence the cost of your commercial property insurance. For instance, structures constructed with materials that are resistant to fire will generally have lower insurance costs.

Occupancy: Businesses that have a higher number of people regularly present, such as restaurants, can expect to face increased insurance expenses.

Fire and threat protection: Installing safety measures such as smoke detectors and burglar alarms at your business can potentially reduce your insurance premium by offering fire and threat protection.

We Provide Insurance Policies That Can Cover Your Business Property If:

  • A fire destroys your building and everything inside
  • A storm damages your outdoor sign or property
  • Your building is vandalized or robbed

In many states, properties that are deemed to be in a flood zone require additional flood insurance. This is particularly important for businesses that can sustain damages of computer hardware, office furniture, and more.

Many of our Commercial Property Insurance for small business products will supplement your income if your business is forced to suspend operations due to a qualifying event. Property insurance coverage is usually combined with general liability insurance to ensure maximum coverage for your business.


Commercial property insurance aims to protect a company’s assets from various risks and events. Usually, the coverage includes the structure of the building (either owned or rented) and items like tools, machinery, furniture, stock, and other people’s personal belongings. It provides protection from fire, theft, burglary, lightning, wind, and various other natural disasters. This insurance type is necessary in protecting a company’s physical assets and maintaining operations in the case of substantial property damage.

Small businesses need commercial property insurance to handle financial risks related to physical asset damage. Lacking this coverage, a business would need to cover the expenses for repairs or replacements by themselves, leading to potential financial harm. Moreover, business interruption coverage is commonly included in commercial property insurance to reimburse lost income when the business is unable to operate due to property damage. This guarantees that a company can meet financial responsibilities even if operations are temporarily stopped.

Commercial property insurance can help reduce risks for businesses with physical locations. This refers to companies that either own or rent the buildings where they operate. The cost of this insurance is influenced by the business’s location, building materials (fire-resistant materials may lower costs), occupancy level (high-risk occupancies like restaurants often cost more), and safety features like smoke detectors and burglar alarms, which can decrease premiums. Moreover, businesses situated in flood-prone areas may need to purchase additional flood insurance to protect against particular water-related losses.