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Get New Jersey Homeowners Insurance

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A house can be many things. It can be a home to one or several families.  It can be a new business owner’s first real office or a seasonal vacation spot. No matter what your house means to you, homes are at risk of many liabilities that can cost you time and money, and even total destruction of the entire structure and everything inside.

Insureyourcompany first started providing homeowners insurance at the insistence of our New Jersey business insurance clients. Our search for quality coverage at an affordable price has helped us create a simple system tailored to our clients’ exact needs.

We have partnered with some of the largest insurance carriers in New Jersey to provide fast and easy quotes with coverage you can depend on. Our clients have benefited from the savings and peace of mind, knowing that their homes and assets are protected from future disasters and liabilities.

Insureyourcompany can provide any type of New Jersey homeowner’s insurance coverage, from renters to homeowners to rental dwellings and vacation homes. We have taken care of our clients and their homes since 2001 by providing an efficient quoting process and a customer service department that is always available to answer questions and resolve issues.

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What Homeowners Insurance Covers

You have worked long and hard to afford and maintain your home. It is an important part of your family’s life. So not only do you want to protect the house itself, but also the items inside it. That’s where homeowners insurance comes in. It would provide coverage for the house and the family’s belongings and collective assets if an accident were to happen on your property. You can be held responsible for resulting property damage or bodily injury.

Even something seemingly insignificant could have more severe consequences than anticipated, so homeowners insurance has been designed to address a wide range of varied risks that could physically affect your house or make you responsible if something were to happen to someone else in your home. Homeowners insurance is the combination of several coverages to ensure complete protection of your house and assets. They can be broken down into basic categories:

Dwelling Coverage

Dwelling coverage provides coverage up to a certain amount to replace as much as the entire home if a catastrophe were to occur. The coverage amount is not chosen at random; it’s based on what it would take to rebuild the whole structure from the ground up using materials of the same kind or quality.

Therefore, over-insuring your home will not result in better material or bigger square footage, just a higher annual premium. Dwelling coverage also includes detached structures, such as sheds. This coverage is almost always set at 10% (but can be increased) of what the house itself is insured for.

At, we always get the most detailed information on the house possible to provide you with the most accurate replacement cost for your home.

Personal Property Coverage

Home is where the heart is, but when you’ve seen some or all of your worldly possessions stolen or destroyed, you just want everything to return to how it was. Consider all of your appliances, clothes, furniture, electronics, jewelry, etc. It adds up! Personal property coverage is based off of what you feel your possessions are worth, however on a standard homeowner’s policy it can’t usually be less that 70-75% of the dwelling coverage. A good rule to remember is to keep all receipts for the items you know need to be replaced. If you don’t have receipts, dated pictures showing the items in the home can also act as proof. At, we consider your needs and review the information you give us so we can provide you with the most options to ensure your belongings are protected for what they’re worth.

Liability Coverage

Aside from protecting your home and belongings from unforeseen occurrences, liability coverage is a mandatory coverage that protects you financially from lawsuits or other people’s medical bills if someone is hurt in your home.

As a homeowner, you are ultimately responsible for sometimes unfortunate consequences, from a party guest getting hurt to a pedestrian who trips on your part of the sidewalk. Liability coverage is a set limit for which an insurance company will pay if you are held responsible for someone else’s medical bills or if you are being sued.

You can avoid most instances where you might need liability coverage by just ensuring your house is a  safe environment and that the property is not neglected.

Why You Need Homeowners Insurance

It’s required! Most leases and mortgages require you to have insurance before signing any contracts. And aside from being required, it’s a way to restore order when disaster happens. Whether you live in a single-family home, an apartment, a condo, or a townhouse, you’ll want to know you’re protected from the different risks that can happen.

When you contact us at and cover your home with a New Jersey homeowner’s insurance policy, you can trust us, our nationally rated insurance companies, and our world-class customer service to help guide you through all of your uncertainties in life.

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Homeowners insurance in New Jersey provides comprehensive coverage for various aspects of your home and possessions. Key coverages include: Dwelling Coverage: Protects the structure of your home up to a certain amount necessary to rebuild it after a loss, including attached structures like garages. Personal Property Coverage: Covers the loss of or damage to your personal belongings, such as furniture, electronics, and clothing, typically set at 70-75% of your dwelling coverage. Liability Coverage: Offers protection if someone is injured on your property, covering legal and medical bills if you are found liable.

Beyond being a requirement for most mortgages or leases, homeowners insurance is crucial for protecting your investment and maintaining financial stability. It safeguards against significant financial loss due to damage or destruction of your property and personal possessions. Additionally, it provides liability coverage, which can save you from out-of-pocket expenses in legal or medical situations arising from accidents on your property.

To accurately determine the right amount of coverage for your home, consider the cost of rebuilding your house from the ground up using materials of similar kind and quality. This is crucial for setting your dwelling coverage. For personal property, assess the value of your possessions and ensure your coverage reflects this value. It’s advisable to keep receipts or photos as proof of ownership and value. At, we provide detailed consultations to help you select the most appropriate coverage based on your specific needs and the unique aspects of your home.