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Improve your IT Staffing Agency with our best coverage

IT staffing agencies must have the right insurance coverage to win new clients. Like the companies they represent, clients want their IT recruitment agencies to carry general liability insurance, professional liability insurance, workers’ compensation, and fidelity bond coverage.

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General Liability Insurance

Client companies often require all their vendors, from plumbers to IT staffing agencies, to show proof of general liability insurance. Any systems engineer you place on a job could accidentally damage hardware, drop a laptop, or spill soda on a server.  You could be held responsible when a client goes after one of the IT contractors for compensation. Insurance for IT staffing agencies can protect you from this risk.

Professional Liability Insurance

Professional liability insurance for IT staffing agencies is like malpractice insurance for these firms and the information technology service providers they place. It protects your IT recruiting agency from liability arising from errors and omissions that you or your contractors may make.  For example, if your staffing firm places a systems analyst on a job, and that individual makes a mistake that wipes out millions of dollars’ worth of client data, your client can claim the error was your fault and expect you to compensate the company. Without liability insurance, IT staffing agencies could have to foot the bill.

Workers’ Compensation Insurance

You should still have it even if your state doesn’t require workers’ compensation. Why? Because you may work with clients in states that require it.  If your client is required to have it, they will likely require you to have it, too, even if it’s not a mandate in your state. Workers’ compensation insurance covers medical costs as well as disability and compensation should you or one of your employees get hurt on the job.

Fidelity Bond Coverage

This type of insurance compensates your IT staffing agency if one of your contractors steals money or property from an onsite client. If you place a dishonest individual, you are just as liable as they are if something goes wrong. You must be very careful if you recruit IT professionals in banking or finance, given all the sensitive data they can access. Insurance for IT staffing agencies can help with this through fidelity bond coverage.


General Liability Insurance is essential for IT staffing agencies as it protects against damages caused by contractors placed at client sites, such as hardware damage or data loss accidents. This coverage is crucial to safeguard your agency from claims and financial liabilities arising from such incidents.

Professional Liability Insurance protects IT staffing agencies from claims of errors and omissions made by contractors they place. If a contractor’s mistake leads to significant client data loss or system failure, this insurance can cover legal fees and compensation, preventing financial strain on your agency.

Fidelity Bond Coverage is vital for IT staffing agencies, especially when placing contractors in sensitive environments like banking or finance. It compensates for losses if a contractor steals from a client, protecting your agency from the financial repercussions of such dishonest actions.