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Making insurance better for business owners

We are here to educate our clients and provide a better understanding of today’s current insurance options.


Insurance Resources

Risk Assessment Survey

We created this tool to help businesses understand their insurance options. By answering a few simple questions, we can show you information on insurance products commonly utilized by companies with similar operations. We understand that your business is unique and invite you to contact one of our licensed agents for more information and specific recommendations for your company.

Risk Management 101

One of the best ways to minimize risk is to make sure your home, car, rental property, and business are properly insured.

UPDATE: Employer Penalty and 1094-C/1095-C Reporting

With so much about the fate of the ACA unknown, many employers are wondering how penalties will be enforced and what forms will be required going forward.

New Executive Order and Insight on the Employer Mandate

President Trump signed an Executive Order (“EO”) on October 12, 2017, directing various federal agencies to take regulatory action that will “increase health care choices for millions of Americans.”

IRS FAQs on 2015 Employer Penalty Payments

IRS FAQs on 2015 Employer Penalty Payments

Recently, the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) issued additional FAQs regarding the Employer Shared Responsibility Payment (an assessment under the employer mandate).

Certificate Portal

Our custom Certificate of Insurance system is accessible to you 24/7 from our online portal. It allows you to send, create, and request your insurance certificate at any time, giving you the power to do business on your terms.

Insurance Carriers