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A construction insurance policy provides the best coverage for constructions projects

Get our construction insurance solutions perfectly suited for all your construction.

The construction industry is unique and demanding. Working with many people and materials can cause property damage or personal injury. If there is a new or existing commercial, industrial, or domestic building or structure, contractors are working and need to be insured. That’s where construction insurance comes in.

You should have coverage for material risks, natural disasters, employees, and even your own business.

We work one-on-one with you to determine the right coverage. Our specialty is educating you on your business needs. Learning to protect your business is as important as having the coverage itself.

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Insurance for construction companies includes:

Getting a quote is easy and fast; call today and speak with a professional to assess the needs of your business and protect yourself. InsureYourCompany is your source for everything insurance.


Construction companies face numerous risks that can be mitigated with the right types of insurance:

  • Liability Insurance: Protects against claims resulting from injuries or property damage to third parties. This is crucial for construction sites where third-party injuries are a risk.
  • Workers’ Compensation: Ensures that employees who are injured or fall ill as a result of their work receive compensation, as mandated by state laws.
  • Builders Risk Insurance: Covers buildings under construction, as well as materials on site or en route to the site. It is essential for protecting the physical assets of a construction project until completion.

A Performance Bond is a type of surety bond that protects the project owner against potential losses in the event that the contractor fails to fulfill the terms and conditions of the contract:

  • Risk Mitigation: It provides financial protection to the project owner by ensuring that the contractor completes the project as agreed or pays for the completion.
  • Trust and Assurance: It reassures the project owner that the contractor has the financial stability and capability to deliver the project as specified, without additional costs or delays.

Builders Risk Insurance is specifically designed to protect construction projects from the unique risks they face:

  • Comprehensive Coverage: It covers the structure itself and the materials used, whether they are stored on-site or in transit.
  • Flexible Terms: This insurance can be tailored to the duration of the project, with terms typically available for three, six, or twelve months, depending on the project’s length.

Exclusion of Liability: It’s important to note that Builders Risk Insurance does not include liability coverage, emphasizing the need for separate liability insurance.