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Ensure the security of your company with our customized Fidelity & Surety Bonds, designed to meet your specific needs and industry standards.

InsureYourCompany specializes in fidelity and surety bonds to further protect your business. Bonds are generally divided into two types, Fidelity Bonds and Surety Bonds. These bonds will offer protection against financial losses. With our best solutions, you can effectively keep your operations running smoothly at the same time. Fidelity surety bonds are different from insurance in that they always have three parties central to the contract:

  • Principal – the entity or person that might cause the loss
  • Obligee – the entity that collects under the bond, should the principal cause a loss
  • Surety – the entity that pays the loss, such as an insurance company’s


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What are Fidelity Bonds?

Fidelity Bonds are technically a form of Surety Bonds, but are usually considered a distinct product in common usage. They are issued as a guarantee against loss due to employee dishonesty. As such, they are an important part of a company’s insurance program, because they cover areas not covered in the companies Liability and Property coverage. Your employees’ dishonest acts are a principal area of your insurable risks and Fidelity Bonds provide principal insurance protection. Fidelity Bonds come in several forms, including:

  • Individual Bonds where an individual employee is bonded. Individual Bonds are not standardized. They can be most easily used for unusual situations or activities, and can most easily be specially scripted.
  • Scheduled Bonds where individual positions (called a Positions Schedule Bond) or named individuals (called a Name Schedule Bond) are covered, for example all branch personnel in a
    bank, or all tellers
  • Blanket Bonds cover all employees and provide the most complete coverage of the three types.The coverage is especially valuable because of the latitude given in demonstrating a covered
    loss. The employer doesn’t need to show that a specific covered employee caused a loss. If the employer can show that an employee must have caused the loss–that it was an inside job!–then
    coverage will be provided.
  • Discovery Bonds are an important extension of the Fidelity Bond types. A Discovery Bond allows a first-time buyer of Fidelity Bonds to protect against undiscovered loss that occurred
    before the bond was issued. If you, as employer, have just realized the need for a Fidelity Bond as part of your insurance coverage, you should also consider buying Discovery period coverage.


What are Surety Bonds?

Surety bonds are issued to cover an extremely wide range of actions and situations. They are issued by surety companies, and can be classified into one of the following areas:

  • Contract Bonds
  • Court Bonds
  • Federal Bonds
  • License and Permit Bonds
  • Public Official Bonds
  • Other/Miscellaneous Bonds

InsureYourCompany offers all types of NJ business insurance through a variety of insurance carriers. Protect the other important assets in your company with workers compensation insurance, general liability insurance, professional liability insurance, employee benefits, umbrella insurance, and more. We also specialize in technology insurance for IT professionals.


Fidelity and Surety Bonds provide protections against losses, though they function differently. Fidelity Bonds specifically protect against financial losses caused by employees’ dishonest behavior like stealing or committing fraud. They are commonly utilized to secure a company from potential internal threats. Surety Bonds involve three entities – the principal, the obligee, and the surety – and are created to ensure the principal meets their responsibilities, like finishing a task or obeying regulations. These are frequently utilized in contractual commitments and licensing agreements.

In the IT sector, where handling sensitive data and valuable intellectual property is common, Fidelity Bonds play an important role for businesses. They provide extra protection by insuring against losses not usually included in standard liability or property insurance policies, like those resulting from employee theft. This insurance is needed for fostering client trust and ensuring financial stability, particularly vital in sectors handling valuable information and technology.

When choosing Fidelity Bonds, businesses need to take into account the type of work they do and the potential risks from their workers. Three primary categories of Fidelity Bonds include Individual Bonds for specific employees, Scheduled Bonds for designated positions or named individuals, and Blanket Bonds for all employees. Blanket Bonds can provide extensive protection and are especially beneficial for companies unable to clearly identify the origin of a possible loss. Moreover, companies that are just starting to use Fidelity Bonds may want to look into Discovery Bonds for extra protection against losses that were not found before the bond was obtained.