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Secure your fitness professional world

Keep protecting your fitness business without any loss with our best insurance coverage

The fitness and wellness industry is one of the most helpful and fulfilling career choices. If you are a personal trainer, group fitness instructor, yoga, Pilates, Zumba, Pound Fit, acrobatic, cardio kickboxing, dance, spinning, or strength instructor, you interact with people daily. Helping your clients meet their goals is what you should be thinking about, not what happens if something goes wrong.

That’s where fitness professional insurance comes in.

While working with people all day is very rewarding, there is a chance that a person will be injured or property damaged. And who is responsible to pay? You are! Without insurance for fitness professionals, your business can suffer a great loss.

Protect your fitness world

How Can You Protect Your Business?

General Liability Insurance can help protect your business from:

Abuse, Molestation, Harassment, or sexual conduct defense cost reimbursement.
Set yourself up to win! Getting and maintaining an active policy is the only to protect your business. With active insurance, you can move your business forward and grow without worrying about outside factors. Once you know your business is protected, helping people is all you need to worry about.

Other Policies that Can Protect Your Business Include:

Umbrella Liability

Workers Compensation

With our free assessment of your business, you can find low-cost options to help protect you and your business so that you can focus on what’s really important: your client’s success!



General Liability Insurance is crucial for fitness professionals, covering incidents of bodily injury and property damage that occur in your fitness facility. It also covers claims related to products-completed operations, personal and advertising injuries, legal liabilities to participants, and damage to premises rented by you.

Professional Liability insurance is essential for fitness instructors as it protects against claims of negligence or harm from the fitness services provided. This coverage is critical if a client is injured following your guidance or there’s an accusation of professional misconduct, ensuring your financial protection.

Besides General and Professional Liability, fitness professionals should consider Umbrella Liability for extra coverage on large claims, and Workers’ Compensation if they employ staff. Workers’ Compensation covers medical bills and lost wages for employees injured on the job, safeguarding both your staff and your business.