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Our Insure solutions for your Technology Professional

Regardless of your job or specialty, as a technology professional you will be asked to provide specific insurance coverage to meet certain contract and client requirements. deals with thousands of technology professionals each year, and has the expertise to quote and obtain reliable business insurance for technology professionals at a low cost.

Discover coverage Options

Below is a listing of some of the services and types of technology professionals we are able to insure

Technology professional insurance will most likely be based on the contract under which you are working. The contract might ask for the following coverage:

These coverages will be asked for in limits from $1,000,000 out to 10,000,000. These limits are easily obtained and are not expensive. We work with very highly rated nationwide carriers to provide this insurance for technology professionals.

We have the ability to increase and decrease coverage as needed, and to extend the coverage worldwide.

Contact one of our technology insurance professionals to review and get information on your specific needs. You can call us or email us anytime.


Technology professionals typically need several types of insurance, including Commercial General Liability, Professional Liability, Cyber Risk and Network Security, and Fidelity Third Party Crime Coverage. These coverages protect against a wide range of risks, from general accidents to specific professional errors and cyber threats.

Umbrella or Excess insurance provides additional coverage beyond the limits of primary policies, essential for technology professionals facing high-cost claims. This extra layer of security ensures that substantial claims do not financially overwhelm your business or personal assets.

Technology professionals can tailor their insurance to meet specific contract requirements by adjusting coverage limits and types, from $1,000,000 up to $10,000,000. This flexibility allows for customization based on the project scope and client demands, ensuring compliance and adequate protection across various contracts.