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Secure your ideas, work, and reputation with our Web Designer & Developers Insurance

Society will continue to utilize the Internet more to communicate, shop, access financial accounts, and generally share more personal information. So, web designer and technology jobs have been two of the fastest growing industries worldwide.

InsureYourCompany has provided insurance for web designers and technology companies since its inception.

The legal liability risk incurred by web developers continues to evolve and become more complex. Web developer insurance coverage must be based on an assessment of all the risks and exposures incurred within the business. A web designer building a B2B website will have different insurance needs than one programming a secure, password-protected website for a financial institution.

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Lawsuits can be filed for a number of reasons. Many lawsuits result in alleged errors or omissions on the part of the web development company. Here are some professional liability insurance claims we’ve seen over the years:

What kind of insurance does a web designer need?

Like all businesses, web development companies and web designers need the standard coverage: general liability, workers compensation, and health insurance. Property insurance for web designers protects against loss to computer equipment and office furniture is recommended. When considering a website designer insurance program, ask yourself these questions
Do your employees work on-site at a client’s office?
Can your employees access your customer’s IT systems?
Does that access put you at risk?

Ask the Experts

If you need business insurance for your website design firm or just have questions, InsureYourCompany can help. Located in New Jersey, we work with thousands of technology companies to provide all of their employee benefits, insurance, and retirement needs. We also negotiate on your behalf with top insurance carriers.


Web designers and developers need a variety of insurance types including professional liability, general liability, workers’ compensation, and property insurance. These coverages protect against errors and omissions, workplace injuries, and damage to business equipment, ensuring comprehensive protection for all aspects of your operations.

Professional liability insurance is essential for web developers due to the risk of lawsuits from errors, omissions, or negligence in their work. This can include allegations of misdirecting traffic or causing financial losses due to identity theft incidents, which can result in significant legal costs and damages.

Web developers should assess their insurance needs based on specific risks such as on-site client work, access to client IT systems, and the potential legal liabilities associated with these activities. Evaluating these factors helps in choosing the right insurance coverage to mitigate potential risks effectively.